Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unrequited dance

I often wonder about the symmetry of partner dance experiences. Like, to what extent can there be unrecognized disparity between how each person perceives a given dance? For instance, if a very skilled lead dances with a girl who's just beginning to learn, the girl might have a really fun dance while the guy might be pretty bored or even frustrated (and vice versa, in the case of an experienced girl and inexperienced guy). Or aside from differences in skill level... Say if two people have two pretty different styles... maybe person A might like person B's style and enjoy the dance a lot, while B might find A's style difficult to dance with. In this kind of scenario, I wonder whether A would necessarily feel from B their lack of enjoyment, and/or whether this would affect A's experience/enjoyment of the dance.

But beyond simply enjoyment (or lack thereof), what I'm really curious about is connection. Not physical lead/follow connection... maybe "chemistry" is a better word for what I'm thinking of? I'm not entirely sure of what people generally mean when they talk about chemistry between partners, but I think the thing I have in mind (which I've tried before to explain) is something more specific, if not altogether different. It's something like being completely in tune with the other person, really *feeling* them in a way that's not even physical... Not just feeling their movement, but feeling how they're feeling the music -- even feeling how they want to express the way they're feeling the music. For me, occasionally this happens with salsa, but I've never felt such an intense connection with my partner as I have while dancing blues. It's unbelievable, and I really don't know how to describe it other than... intense.

Whenever I'm trying to think of how to describe it, the following always comes to mind: in Dynasty Warriors, two players can perform a special attack together if they each have full special-attack meters and they're standing close enough to one another; under those conditions, you see this crackling electricity-type thing between them, indicating that you can perform the dual attack:

Despite my tendency to see many aspects of life in terms of video games, I find it more than a little weird likening blues dancing to Dynasty Warriors... but it's such an apt depiction of how the connection I'm talking about feels! When it's strong, it is like this electricity... this direct link between each person's experience of the music. (I guess in this sense the analogy can be extended, since I can't imagine that this kind of connection could occur unless both people's individual music-experience-intensity meters are at least close to maxed. :P)

Anyway... Revelations of my gamer-nerdiness aside, I'm so curious as to whether one person can feel as if they have this kind of intense connection with their partner, while at the same time the other person is just dancing normally, without feeling anything out of the ordinary. Or can it indeed only happen when two people are each feeling the way the other is experiencing the music... when this magical kind of synchrony happens... when they're not just dancing concurrently -- or even "with" each other -- but dancing together through the music?


  1. It would be perfect to solicit feedback to this post among larger audience (like through a note on facebook). I'm also VERY curious about this topic!

  2. Um, please come introduce yourself to me next Friday. I'm Kevin.

  3. Haha, uh-oh, am I in trouble? :]
